Saturday, November 15, 2008

Update from AJ


It has been a long while since we last updated our blog. Things are rapidly coming together. Colors for the dresses and tuxedo's have been picked out. The time for the wedding has been set, and our wedding party has been put together (we will announce our party soon).

We are still waiting for the Lord's direction if we should buy a house or hold off and rent for a while. A couple of month's ago a friend and I went to look at some apartments that Chrissy and I can rent from. I have it narrowed it down to about three places, but we are going to hold off until Chrissy has a chance to look at them in January.

Chrissy and I have bought our first kitchen table, and mom has allowed us to choose appliances from her awards that she receives from work. It was such a blessing, because the stuff we bought was priced around $1000.00.

It has been busy for the both of us. Chrissy has been working on the wedding, and I am still working on our honeymoon and places to live. We met with Pastor Jones(Chrissy's Pastor) a few weeks ago, to discuss our wedding day and counseling. My Pastor is going to take some time to sit with Chrissy and I for about a hour to talk (since he will be our Pastor once Chrissy moves down).

We are both getting excited for our special day. Please pray with us that June 6, 2009 will be a day that points to Christ and that Christ will be glorified. Chrissy and I will be writing a post together in a couple of weeks, and we will share our thoughts together to all of our family and friends.