We ate food from Oakdale Pizza. The food was delicious! We had salad, ziti, lasagna, chicken alfredo, sausage, onions and peppers and bread. For dessert, a lady from Cornerstone, Mrs. Larson, made a wonderful cookie platter. We also had cannolis. All the food was just wonderful.
Of course, everyone had a great time of fellowship. It was so good to see all the people talking and laughing. People that just met each other were talking and acting like they have known each other for a long time. It is amazing on how such a sweet spirit there was there!
Of course, I have pictures! I took many pictures! Again, if you have access to Facebook, you can check there on my page, Chrissy's, or even Mrs. Jones' page (pastor's wife of Cornerstone) for all the pictures. I hope you enjoy them!
Chrissy and her tablecloth train.Pastor and Mrs. Jones
Mrs. Jones talking to Pastor and Mrs. Sumpter
Food table- Yum! Yum!
Long view of set table